UPDATED STORY දැනට පොලිස් ඇඳිරිනීතිය පනවා ඇති පොලිස් බල ප්රදේශ වල සිටින වරාය සේවකයන් නැවත දැනුම්දෙන තුරු සේවයට වාර්තා නොකරන්න. කොවිඞ් 19 අවධානමට ලක්වී ඇති ගම්පහ […]
ඇඳිරිනීතිය පනවා ඇති පොලිස් බල ප්රදේශ වල සිටින වරාය සේවකයන් නැවත දැනුම්දෙන තුරු සේවයට වාර්තා නොකරන්න
Global port volume recovery faced with second wave catastrophe
China is leading the recovery in demand for containerised goods but global throughput remains vulnerable to a second wave of COVID-19, according to Drewry Shipping Consultants’ (Drewry) […]
UN IMO suffers major cyberattack
UN’s International Maritime Organization says it suffered a ‘sophisticated’ cyber-attack against IT systems. The global shipping industry sustained a second cyber attack within a week that’s […]
Maritime Cybersecurity
by Gary C. Kessler and Steven D. Shepard [The excerpts below are from the book Maritime Cybersecurity: A Guide for Leaders and Managers, published in early September.] […]
World Maritime Day 2020 – Sustainable shipping for a sustainable planet
The United Nations’ international days are an occasion to give prominence to issues of concern to the public and policy-makers. The theme chosen for World Maritime […]
World Maritime Day 2020: Theme, history, significance and all you need to know
World Maritime Day 2020 theme is “Sustainable shipping for a sustainable planet”. Every year the International Maritime Organization (IMO) celebrates World Maritime Day. Here is all […]
2021 World Maritime theme – “Seafarers: at the core of shippingʹs future”
The focus on seafarers comes as the COVID-19 pandemic has placed extraordinary and unprecedented demands on seafarers. Hundreds of thousands faced and are still facing extended […]
Allow crew changes to resolve humanitarian crisis – IMO
It is estimated that more than 300,000 seafarers and marine personnel are currently stranded at sea and unable to be repatriated despite the expiry of their contracts. A similar number of seafarers have […]
සාමූහිකව කටයුතු කිරීමෙන් අභියෝග ජයගත හැකියි
විශාල වශයෙන් භෞතික සහ මානව සම්පත් ඇති ආයතනයක් ලෙස ශ්රී ලංකා වරයා අධිකාරියට අවශ්යය වන්නේ තිබෙන සම්පත් මනාව කළමනාකරණය කිරීමේ වැඩපිළිවෙලක් සකස් කිරීම බව, ශ්රී ලංකා […]
Video: Challenges can be overcome by working collectively
As an institution with a large physical and human resources, the Sri Lanka Ports Authority needs to develop a program to properly manage the available resources, […]