Employees and Port users of Colombo Port undergo PCR and antibody tests

PCR and antibody testing of randomly selected samples of the community has been identified by health authorities as one of the key measures to eradicate the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Therefore, the Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) has randomly selected a sample of 251 persons from the employees of Port of Colombo and the port users and underwent PCR tests as well as antibody tests today (June 02, 2020). The results are due in a few days. It is part of the eradicating Covid-19 pandemic programme implemented by the Sri Lanka Ports Authority.

A team from the Epidemiology Unit under the purview of the Ministry of Health obtained the samples. Samples of the employees of SLPA, including, Security Division, Pilot station, Medical Division, Welfare and Industrial Relations Division, and Kitchen, as well as SAGT ( South Asia Gateway Terminal), CICT ( Colombo International Container Terminal), Colombo Dockyard, Sri Lanka Police, and Sri Lanka Customs, were obtained for the respective tests. Also, a randomly selected group of wharf clerks, canteen workers, and lorry drivers were subjected to PCR and antibody tests.

In the meantime, a Navy officer who worked at the Gaffoor Building near the Colombo port was diagnosed with Covid-19 virus, and nearly 200 naval officers working there were subjected to PCR tests recently. It was revealed that no one else in the building was infected with the virus.

Over 150 Sri Lanka Navy personnel attached to facilitate the ISPS ( International Ship and Port Facility Security) and other security services at the Colombo Port were also subjected to PCR and antibody tests. Results of the tests have confirmed that no one had been infected with the virus.

To ensure the efficiency of the port operations Sri Lanka Ports Authority decided to continue the PCR rests for randomly selected samples of employees and port users.

PCR tests at Colombo Port

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