MV CAPE NEMO makes Inaugural Call at the Jaya Container Terminal of Sri Lanka Ports Authority

Expressing views at the occasion, Habour Master of SLPA Capt.Nirmal Silva said that the Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) would like to express its immense gratitude for inaugurating operations of MV  CAPE NEMO with SLPA. 

The inaugural vessel under the ‘COLOMBO ENNORE EXPRESS SERVICE’ MV CAPE NEMO called at the Jaya Container Terminal (JCT) of  Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA)  of the Port of Colombo on 07th December 2019.  To mark the inaugural call of the vessel, a plaque exchange ceremony was held on board the ship between Sri Lanka Ports Authority’s  (SLPA) Deputy Chief Manager (Container Operations) Mrs. Zaviya Miskin and the Master of the vessel Andrey Rozlov.

Habour Master of Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) Capt.Nirmal Silva, Director CMA CGM Lanka (Pvt) Ltd;  the local representatives of CMA CGM Mr. Ikram Ghazali, and several other officials of SLPA and the local representatives of the CMA CGM also attended the occasion.

Expressing views at the occasion, Habour Master of SLPA Capt.Nirmal Silva said that the Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) would like to express its immense gratitude for inaugurating operations of MV  CAPE NEMO with SLPA.  He also said that SLPA was dedicated to offer its efficient and productive services without delay for successful operations of the vessel. “ We hope that with such  extended and expedited operations both SLPA and  CMA CGM can  continue  with strong credibility,” he added.

At present, the 23517 ton capacity  vessel MV CAPE NEMO built in the year 2010 is  operated as a Feeder Vessel with  the port rotation between  Chennai – Colombo – Chennai.

Featured image: Sri Lanka Ports Authority’s  (SLPA) Deputy Chief Manager (Container Operations) Mrs. Zaviya Miskin and the Master of the vessel Andrey Rozlov  exchange plaques to mark the inaugural call of vessel MV CAPE NEMO under the ‘COLOMBO ENNORE EXPRESS SERVICE.’ Habour Master of Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) Capt.Nirmal Silva, Director CMA CGM Lanka (Pvt) Ltd;  the local representatives of CMA CGM Mr. Ikram Ghazali are also in the picture.

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