Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) right now is implementing every preventive measure even beyond and higher than the expected level against the prevailing health situation Sri […]
SLPA has taken all preventive measures against the spread of Covid-19 inside its premises
SLPA proudly celebrates international women’s Day 2020
Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) held a special function to mark the International women’s Day 2020. The programme organized with the pioneer initiative of the ‘Sewa […]
A Sri Lankan perspective on the subject of ‘Port-led Regional Connectivity and Development Options’
A mission can only be accomplished, when plans envisaged would unfold rightly and goals envisioned would be attained in due course, that will help complete the […]
SLPA Holds Tree Planting Programme to Celebrate International Women’s Day
March 8, International Women’s Day, is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) Chairman General […]
SLPA wins the GPF Awards for “Port Authority of The Year & Port Infrastructure Development of the Year 2020”
The Drewry Port Connectivity Index ranked the Port of Colombo at the 13th best Connectivity Port in the world in 2019. Sri Lanka Ports Authority won the […]
SLPA hosts annual Gold Awards Ceremony for retired employees
SLPA is one of the main pillars of the country and a major economic strength. General Daya Ratnayake, Chairman SLPA The 2020 Gold Awards ceremony for […]
Consultancy Service for Feasibility Study for the Colombo North Port Development Project
The North Port has been planned to implement in stages depending on the demand. SLPA focused to provide infrastructure facilities and port services well ahead of […]
SLPA to host Gold Award ceremony for retired employees
The event is the 10th consecutive Gold award ceremony for retired SLPA employees that started parallel to the 35th Anniversary of Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) […]
Colombo Port Needs Further Expansion
Due to limitations of the restricted water basin size and water depth in the existing port which was built over 130 years ago during the British […]
New security camera system for Colombo port
Sri Lanka Ports Authority has submitted the proposal to establish a comprehensive security camera system covering all entrances Cabinet approval has been granted to implement a […]