The timeframe of importing fertilizer has changed in 2020 on some unknown reason which unfortunately does not come under the purview of the Sri Lanka Ports Authority.
It is regrettable to observe that some media and social media channels are spreading false propaganda accusing that inconveniences have arisen during the clearance of imported fertilizer from the Port of Colombo. It is unfortunate that the truth is being undermined by such false propaganda being transmitted and shared throughout society. Consequently, the damage to our reputation due to such peccable acts of various parties is not insignificant.
According to the information of the Fertilizer Secretariat of the Ministry of Agriculture, the annual fertilizer requirement in the country is 708,000 Metric Tons. The amount of Urea fertilizer required for the “Maha” season alone is 149,000 Metric Tons.
To date, the Sri Lanka Ports Authority have implemented all necessary steps to clear the imported fertilizer arrived in Bulk Carriers called at the Port of Colombo. The main objective of the Sri Lanka Ports Authority is to carry out the duties properly in the clearance of fertilizer required for agricultural activities in the country without any hindrance. The Sri Lanka Ports Authority did not abdicate that responsibility in any way. It is noteworthy to monitor the timeframes of fertilizer vassals arrived at the Port of Colombo this year and the previous year.
In 2019, from August 5th to December 6th there were 11 vassals carrying fertilizer have arrived at the Port of Colombo. Considering the timeframe of importing fertilizer in 2019 is similar to the fertilizer imported in 2018. Data shows that there were three fertilizer ships have arrived at the Port of Colombo per month during the first three months of said period. Subsequently, formal procedures followed consistently for quick clearance and distribution.
However, the timeframe of importing fertilizer has changed in 2020 on some unknown reason which unfortunately does not come under the purview of the Sri Lanka Ports Authority. Therefore, the first ship carrying the required fertilizer for this year’s “Maha” season arrived at the Port of Colombo in September. Only five fertilizer ships (Bulk Carriers) have arrived at the Port of Colombo from September to October. But, eight Bulk Carriers carrying fertilizer arrived at the Port of Colombo in November alone. Even under such circumstances, the SLPA has utilized the maximum capacity of its terminals to systematically unload the imported fertilizer from ships and clear them from the Port of Colombo.
Sri Lanka Ports Authority