SLPA Launches a New Documentary Series on Global Ports

The Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) is pleased to announce the launch of a new series of video documentaries on global ports. Named Global Ports Outlook, this new initiative aims to discuss the latest technologies that advance the operational efficiency of global ports, the important roles played by each employee in this sector and the collective responsibility in uninterrupted supply chain management. Under the guidance of the Chairman of SLPA, Dr Prasantha Jayamanna, this initiative has been developed as an awareness programme for port employees and port users as well as those interested in the field.

The first episode of Global Ports Outlook provides a brief overview of the world’s major ports and their employee experience, taking into account the new technological tools used in port operations. Produced and disseminated by the Communication and Public Relations Division of the SLPA, we welcome constructive feedback from our viewers to enhance the quality of this programme.

Watch Here: Episode 01

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